My Sweet Dove
My Sweet Dove
My Sweet Dove

Quick Disclaimer: Yup, another middle school one, hehe....

I was in love,

with my sweet dove.

She was as white as milk

and as soft as silk.


On her back I had tied a band

on which I had written Zany in slant.

I had kept Zany her name

because whenever I called her,

she always came like a flame.


She liked to sit on the mat

but was also afraid of the cat

which came to our house everyday

and I would give her a pat.


I would like to write....

that sometimes Zany and I

would have a fight

and when the cat would come in my sight

I would give her a healthy diet

to show Zany that I was right.


But my dove's brain would light

and she would go and sit at a height.

But after sometime she would think

that her master was right

and when she would come back

I would feel pride.


But I didn't like to always be right

because I wanted to feel pride,

so I lied................................

As we both were right,

that's why we had a fight.

So I made a masterplan,

to show Zany that how we feel pride

when we are right.


In my plan first there was fight

and then fright and after that pride.

So when Zany and I had a fight,

she flied and sat on a wire at a height.

Now next in my plan was fright.


But when I saw her..........................

Oh....My....God! What a shock that gave me!

Till now I can't believe how.... she died!

I was in shock, in pain and I cried.

But the real shock was given to Zany

by the wires of the electric pole.

I was also unable to give her the pride

of being right.

I cried and cried and cried.


But she left her two kids with me,

always telling me that I was right.

But I was not right to have a fight with her

that too before she died.


I want to go back in time

and would like to play and have fun

with my cute and lovable Zany

My Sweet Dove.

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